About Me

I am now a second year Master student at South China University of Technology. I received my Bachelor degree from SCUT in 2022, where I spent a wonderful four years. I am now a long-term research intern at International Digital Economy Academy (IDEA). I will start my Ph.D. study at SCUT in 2024/9 under the supervision of Prof. Lei Zhang. My research interests are focusd on Computer Vision. Typically, I am now working on Obejct Detection. I am also dedicated to open source endeavors, which I believe is the fundamental element for the sustainable development of the AI community..



Open Source


Cookbook to Craft Good Code

In this guide, we'll dive into the essentials of crafting great code. We'll go through everything from how to name things clearly and highlight tools that make coding better and easier.
[Github, 37 stars]


OpenMMLab Text Detection, Recognition and Understanding Toolbox.
[Github, 4K stars]

Scene Text Recognition Recommendations

Long-time maintaining project for recording latest papers, datasets, algorithms, and SOTAs for scene text recognition
[Github, 294 stars]


Combining MMOCR with Segment Anything & Stable Diffusion. Automatically detect, recognize and segment text instances, with serval downstream tasks, e.g., Text Removal and Text Inpainting
[Github, 443 stars]

Efficient Deep Learning

Combining MMOCR with Segment Anything & Stable Diffusion. Automatically detect, recognize and segment text instances, with serval downstream tasks, e.g., Text Removal and Text Inpainting
[Github, 133 stars]

Text Recognition on Cross Domain Datasets

Improved Text recognition algorithms on different text domains like scene text, handwritten, document, Chinese/English
[Github, 62 stars]

Structured Dreambooth LoRA

Dreambooth (LoRA) with well-organized code structure. Naive adaptation from Diffusers.
[Github, 9 stars]


International Digital Economy Academy (IDEA) | Research intern 2023.06 – now
Shanghai AI Lab (OpenMMLab) | Intern 2022.02 – 2022.08